Order of Service

January 19, 2025 

Prelude: My Soul Proclaims Your Greatness, Setting by Kevin J. Sadowski

Call to Worship & Lighting of the Christ Candle

Hymn: The love of God comes close #474 vs 1,2,3

Welcome & Land Acknowledgement

Opening Prayer

Assurance of Pardon

Hymn: Why should I feel discouraged? (His eye is on the sparrow) vs 1,2

Time for the Child in All of Us

Scripture: Joshua 4:1-9

Anthem: Come To Me, Arranged by Lon Beery, Based on "Prelude in C" by J. S. Bach

Sermon: “What do these stones mean to you?”, Rev. John Lougheed

Hymn: I heard the voice of Jesus say #671 vs 1,2,3

Prayers of the People

Lord's Prayer


Celebrations of Our Gifts, Our Stewardship, Our Discipleship

Offertory: Come Unto Him, from 'Messiah' G. F. Handel solo - Amanda Jeffreys

Prayer of Dedication

Hymn: Guide me, O thou great Redeemer #651 vs 1,2,3

Words of Blessing and Encouragement

Choral Amen

Postlude: St. Gertrude, Tune: Arthur S. Sullivan, Arranged by Joseph Prentiss