Order of Service
March 30, 2025
Lent IV
Prelude: Lead Me, Lord Music by Samuel Sebastian Wesley Arranged by John Leavitt
Lenten Liturgy
Hymn: Spirit, Spirit of gentleness #399 vs 1-2
Land Acknowledgement
Opening Prayer
Assurance of Pardon
Children's song: Throughout these Lenten days and nights #196 vs 4
Time for the Child in All of Us
Scripture: Deuteronomy 5: 6-21 (CEB) read by Simon Orie
Anthem: Jesu, Grant Me This, I Pray C. H. Kitson
Sermon: Rev. John Borthwick, "Ten words - Desires of the heart"
Hymn: As when the Hebrew prophet raised #189 vs 1,2,5
Prayers of the People
Lord's Prayer
Mission Moment: Joanne Adair: Development Manager, House of Friendship (Team Outreach)
Celebrations of Our Gifts, Our Stewardship, Our Discipleship
Offertory: Moses Samuel de Lange Jr. solo - Meghan Mair
Prayer of Dedication
Hymn: Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us #647 vs 1-3
Words of Blessing and Encouragement
Choral Amen
Postlude: The Way Of The Cross Leads Home Arranged by Paul Davis