Order of Service

December 22, 2024 

Advent IV

Prelude: (piano) What Child Is This? Arranged by John Leavitt


A Candle Is Burning: (organ) Voices United Hymnal #6 vs 4

Advent Lighting Litany: Candle of Love

Hymn: People in darkness #124 (organ) vs 1, 2, 3, 4

Land Acknowledgement

Opening Prayer

Assurance of Pardon

Children's Hymn: People, look East #125 (organ) vs 1,4,5

Time for the Child in All of Us

Scripture: Luke 1:26-38 & 2:1-7

Anthem: (piano) To A Maiden, Meek And Mild, Arranged by Albert Zabel

Sermon: A visit from Mary - Rev. Wendy

Hymn: What Child Is This #161 (organ) vs 1, 2, 3

Prayers of the People

Lord's Prayer


Celebrations of Our Gifts, Our Stewardship, Our Discipleship

Offertory: (Piano) Carol Of The Star, Arranged, with new Words by Donald Moore, solo - Amanda Jeffreys

Prayer of Dedication

Hymn: Angels we have heard on high #147(organ) vs 1, 2, 3, 4

Words of Blessing and Encouragement

Postlude: (organ) People, Look East, Arranged by Charles Callahan