Announcements & Events
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Life at St. Andrew’s
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Schneider Male Chorus Concert
The Schneider Male Chorus will be returning to St. Andrew’s in just over a week, on Monday March 31 at 7pm. The chorus originated with a group of employees from the JM Schneider Meat Packing Co. in 1938. Currently, Bob Courtney a member of St. Andrew’s sings with them. We have invited this talented group back to help raise funds for our 2025 Adopt a Room project for the House of Friendship! Invite your family and friends and join us for a lively evening of musical favourites, while supporting this great program. Donate to our House of Friendship Adopt a Room project by cash, cheque or online, through St. Andrew’s church. Please indicate your donation is for the House of Friendship Adopt a Room project. Donations will be matched by Trust Funds.
Gift Cards
Are you a shopper for groceries, gas or the occasional coffee? Then gift cards are for YOU and not only to gift to others. Gift cards are easy to use at the checkout and you receive the full value of the card. The Women's Association makes on average 4% rebate from the retailer. The W.A. is currently raising money to help fund office renovations for Ann-Marie McDairmid, our Music Director, and also to provide valuable storage for the church archives.
Women's Association Cookbook
What's Cooking? We’re putting together a community cookbook and would love to feature favorite recipes from local home cooks! How can you help?
share your favourite recipes!
provide your name, unless you don't want it included in the book.
email your submission to with the subject line Recipe - category (eg. Recipe – Desert) .... or drop off a copy at the church office .... or stop by the Gas & Grocery table on Sunday to leave your submission or have us take a copy of it for you.
potential categories include soup, salad, appetizer, breads & rolls, main dishes, vegetarian/vegan, deserts, misc.
ensure you triple check the recipe details for errors or omissions before submitting since recipes won’t be verified before publication.
submissions are due by April 30th.
Looking forward to reading your favourite recipes! Thanks for considering being a part of this community project!
Reminder Regarding Valuables During Sunday Services
Winter is here, which means many of us will be hanging our winter coats on the coat racks outside the sanctuary during Sunday services. Please be reminded that during Sunday services, do not leave keys, wallets or other valuables in coat pockets if you are planning to hang your coat on one of the racks.
Choir and Handbell Ringers Welcoming New Members
A new year has begun, and if you'd like to try something new in 2025, the St. Andrew's Sanctuary Choir is always welcoming new choristers! If you're looking for something fun to do, singing in a choir is a healthy, social, and rewarding hobby to take up. Choir rehearsals take place Thursday evenings from 7:30 to 9:00 pm in the sanctuary, and the choir meets at 9:00 am Sunday mornings to prepare before services. Contact the office to sign up. We hope to have you come sing with us!
The St. Andrew's Handbell Ringers are also looking for new members. If you've never tried playing the handbells, now is your chance! Rehearsals for the Handbell Ringers are Thursdays from 6:00 to 7:00pm in the choir room. Contact the church office to sign up. We'd love to have you!
Opportunities to Give & Serve
St. Andrew’s has committed to raising $9,700 for ‘Adopt-a-Room’ this year, which will help the House of Friendship ShelterCare participants receive the critical services and supports they need to start again! ShelterCare provides 24/7 shelter, along with onsite health care and addiction support. Here, 100 men in the program are experiencing the wraparound supports that address the root causes of homelessness, getting healthier and housed – for good! Our financial support will pay for 1 room and supports for a year. Donate to our House of Friendship Adopt a Room project by cash, cheque or online, through St. Andrew’s church. Please indicate your donation is for the House of Friendship Adopt a Room project. Donations will be matched by Trust Funds.
Camp K Subsidy Program
Every year Camp K has a subsidy program which allows children who wouldn’t otherwise be able to, attend camp for one week. It takes $350 to send 1 child to camp for a week under the program. Currently 10 children are signed up through the subsidy meeting our maximum allowance for the funds. If you’d like to help send more children to camp please click here and use the drop down to find Camp K Subsidy.
Volunteers Needed for St. Andrew’s Tech Crew
We are looking for passionate and committed volunteers to join the Audio-Visual Team. Whether you are tech-savy or just eager to learn, there's a place for you. If you are interested, or want to learn more, contact the office or make your way up to the balcony after any Sunday service.
Food4Kids Volunteer Opportunities
Coming up this winter and spring, we have the opportunity once again to help Food4Kids prepare their weekend packages. If you have time on an occasional Wednesday afternoon and would like to see for yourself how the program works and help package the food items, please leave your name at the church office or email
Thrift Shop
The St. Andrew’s Thrift Shop is always accepting new volunteers to work in the Thrift Shop between Tuesdays - Thursdays. Please note that we are open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 1pm - 4pm. Find out more here.
Team Outreach (formerly Missions)
Food Not Bombs
Food Not Bombs is an all-volunteer movement that creates hot vegan soups and vegetarian meals that are distributed on Saturdays to hungry people at Kitchener City Hall. St. Andrew’s and St. Peter’s supports FNB by collecting 750 ml plastic yogurt containers which are filled with the meals. These containers are needed on a continual basis! You can help by bringing your clean yogurt containers to the church office. For more information and to sign up to volunteer with them see the following link:
Mighty Mite Cans
There was a Mighty response to our Mite Cans in 2024! Coins and cash were collected in jars, yogurt containers and cans. Cheques and e-transfers were made directly to the account. In total, an amazing amount of $6,000 was given to support our local partners. $3,000 will be given to the Working Centre to add and preserve affordable housing options in our community. $3,000 will be given to Camino Wellbeing and Mental Health for Walk-In and Single Service Counselling to anyone in need. Your kind-hearted gifts are appreciated by our partners. Thank you! Get started on your 2025 Mite Can now. One mite at a time will make a difference!
"Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." Matthew 25:40
PWS&D Looking to learn about the ongoing work Presbyterian World Service and Development and their partners are doing around the world? Do you want to see the impact of the work your PWS&D donations support on people’s lives? The PWS&D website is a great source of information. Check out this link:
Meetings Notes & Ministry News
For a list of all weekly, monthly or special meetings, please visit the Church Central Calendar here: