Whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever among you would be greatest must be servant of all.
- Mark 10:43-45
Pastoral Care
Our deacon’s ministry conducts most of our pastoral care at St. Andrew’s. Deacons are caring people in the congregation who do their best to establish friendly, Christ-centered relationships with the people on their care lists. They are not trained counsellors but ‘friends from the church’ who connect with their people, listen with open minds and hearts, share information, and take requests back to the ministers if asked. During the pandemic, deacons connect by telephone or email. When it is safe, some will make in-person visits. The person and their deacon work out the frequency of connections.
This is still a new programme for St. Andrew’s, and we are working on making it the best we can. Nobody is compelled to have a deacon, but everyone is welcome to have one. When people cannot attend church in person, having a deacon is a great way to stay connected. Some people have moved out of town but still ask their deacon to keep in touch with them. When there is sickness or trouble, a deacon can offer prayer and a good shoulder to cry on. But it goes both ways. Some of our deacons report that they are always blessed when interacting with the people on their lists.
Get Matched with a Deacon
If you would like to have a deacon, please fill out the form at the button below, or call (519)-578-4430 to connect with Rev. Wendy.
If you think you might be called to become a deacon, please fill out the form below or call Rev. Wendy at (519)-578-4430.

Submit A Prayer Request
All prayer requests will be held in confidence and shared only with the members of the Prayer Group. Your requests can be as detailed or simple as you like. You don’t need to include any information that would reveal your identity or the identity of the one in need of prayer. God knows all these details already.