We love our neighbours around the world.
We raise money for international missions through Presbyterian Sharing and Presbyterian World Service and Development.
How it Works - Presbyterian Sharing is the national church fund that supports the mission and ministries we do together in Canada and worldwide.
Who We Support - Presbyterian Sharing supports many ministries, including encouraging and equipping congregational renewal and development. As well as supporting inner-city, native, refugee, urban, remote and chaplaincy ministries in Canada and sending mission personnel to work with international partners.
How Can I Support the Mission? - Each year, the congregation accepts an allocation, an amount we pledge to send to the national church for this work. This money comes from donations from the congregation designated for this purpose.
If we receive designated gifts beyond this allocation, it is all sent to further this mission work.
Want to learn more? - Visit http://presbyterian.ca/sharing/
Presbyterian World Service & Development
PWS&D works with churches and organizations seeking to transform their communities by promoting justice, peace, and creation integrity. PWS&D supports people and communities according to their needs and regardless of faith.
Presbyterian World Service and Development (PWS&D) is funded by donation by the individuals in the congregation and fundraising events like Journey for Hope, in which we participate.
PWS&D 75th Anniversary
A beautiful celebration of our ability to help those in great need, with heartfelt reflections from past and current staff and partners and incredible music. During the service, we heard stories of PWS&D's work with those affected by leprosy, providing food aid in Ukraine and Lebanon, responding to the beginning of the AIDS/HIV crisis in Africa and India, supporting refugees in perilous conditions, rebuilding after natural disasters, and addressing climate change in vulnerable communities. It's amazing to see the impact that PWS&D and their partners like the Canadian Food Grains Bank and the ACT Alliance have been able to make through the love, support, and prayers of their incredible supporters.
Take Action Together
PWS&D has joined other Canadian aid organizations in asking the Government of Canada to immediately remove barriers that have blocked and deterred the provision of lifesaving humanitarian assistance to people in Afghanistan for the past year.
AidForAfghanistan.ca allows people to send a letter to their MP, which will also copy key government leaders so that they are aware that compassionate Canadians believe the women, men and children of Afghanistan should be supported.
Bighead River Project
The Bighead River Foodgrains Project is one of over 200 local growing projects across Canada that raises funds for the work of Canadian Foodgrains Bank. Started in 1997 by several Meaford churches, it has raised $691,600 since its inception. When eligible, and matched on a 4:1 basis by Global Affairs Canada, its total becomes over $2.77 million. We raise money for the Bighead River Project through the month of October through our Toonie Tree project.
Canadian Foodgrains Bank is a partnership of 15 Canadian churches and church-based agencies working together to end global hunger. They work with locally-based organizations in developing countries to meet emergency food needs, achieve long-term solutions to hunger and work to foster informed action by Canadians and governments to support this international cause.