The Good Friday service is a special offering titled 'Stations of the Cross'. It begins with the hymn "Teach me, O Lord, your way of truth' followed by the introduction and introit "For God So Loved The World" which is followed by the Stations that take us on a journey, the Via Dolorosa, "the sorrowful way".
Traditionally there are fourteen Stations of the Cross. Our service takes us to seven Stations, each one leading us to pray and think about Jesus' last hours. There will be readings from selected Old Testament and Gospel passages; the story of the crucifixion, which includes prophesies from Isaiah and the Psalms. The scripture passages associated with each of the Stations are followed by anthems which illustrate them.
Other song titles include "When You Prayed Beneath The Trees", "Let Him Be Crucified" from "It Is Finished", "Someone's Walkin'", "Father Forgive Them", "She Stood In Silent Love", "Thy Word" and "When Hope Fell Silent". The service ends with the hymn "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross".