Tuesday, October 31, 2023
Hello everyone:
Lots of times I wake up early in the morning stressed about my work as a minister. I have a million thoughts running through my head. But if I take time to listen there are times an old hymn or gospel song is playing in my head. It may be just a few notes to start, then a longer line in the melody. If I stay with it, the melody begins to take shape until I can hum it in my head. Then slowly the words come to me. Two days ago this was the song:
Sun of my soul my saviour dear
It is not night if thou be near
Oh let no earthborn cloud arise
That blocks me from my saviours eyes
When I focus on the song as opposed to the stresses of the day, I feel a sense of peace. God is close. God is present. I consider it a great gift from God. It is the result some might say of a lifetime of singing hymns and songs. That may be true – part of our identity as Christians is formed by the songs we sing. It may be because my mother sang hymns and songs to us as children when she was doing her daily tasks. That’s true as well – memories of our parents play a huge role in our lives even as we age. But to me it is also prayer – intentionally focusing on the presence of God. It takes incredible effort to remember the song, let alone the words. It takes a lot of focus. Sometimes, I get frustrated and give up. When I do I feel as though I missed something important. When I can stay with it, it floods me with a deep sense of peace and of belonging. I am a child of God, loved by God.
‘Sun of my soul’ is a song we sang for the first time in years in public worship at an evening worship service back in May or June, I believe. It tells the story of a God who is always near. May it be a gift to you this day. And you might want to check to see if the lyrics are right. I don’t always remember them the way they actually are – but that’s okay. What I remember always speaks to me.
A couple of things happening this week:
I am on study break and ask for your prayers. I am preparing for a sermon series on a book I am studying called ‘Turning Ourselves Inside Out’. The subtitle is ‘Thriving Christian Communities’. I hope it will be a helpful series throughout November and give us an opportunity to reflect who we are at this point in our history at St. Andrew’s. The wonderful service celebrating the legacy of Doug Haas on October 22 also gives an opportunity to look back and to look forward.
A warm note of appreciation to Andrew Hight and those who made the Candy Jam a huge success again this year. Developing relationships and partnerships with the immediate community is crucial for us as a congregation and fun activities like the Candy Jam position St. Andrew’s as a welcoming and hospitable church. Thank you deeply Andrew 😊
Next Tuesday Lauren Wasyluk is making a presentation to Operational Council about her work on creating a policy for Communication and strengthening Engagement in the life of our church. Please pray for her as she completes her preparation for this meeting. Lauren has done some excellent work and we look forward to the implementation of that work in the weeks and months ahead.
Nexus church leaders are meeting with some of the members of the Task Force on Stewardship next Tuesday at 1 pm to talk about a possible long term relationship between our two churches. Their lease for use of the Conrad Centre in downtown Kitchener ends on December 31, 2-23.
That’s enough for now. Take good care and I hope that at some point during the day you will find yourself humming or singing a song that helps you to know that you are not alone. God is near!