December 7, 2022
Hello everyone
St. Andrew’s is filled with people working hard at ‘being church’. Last night 27 people gathered both in person and on line to talk about building a legendary mission here at St. Andrew’s walking alongside people with special needs. We heard from some families dealing with challenges of adult children or young adults with autism or various other diagnoses. We also heard about the joy of belonging, not just being included, but belonging and knowing each person is valued and cherished by family and community both. Listening to parents was an eye opener for many of us, but only strengthened our resolve to walk alongside and offer support as we can. We know we cannot do it alone. But we can work together with organizations that have the training and together we believe we can make a difference in the lives of those with special needs. And from what we saw and experienced last night, it is a two way street. It is not just us giving to those in need. It is also developing relationships of mutuality that bring joy and happiness, fun times and a deep sense of connectedness to us all.
Last Sunday as well the congregation heard the ‘Governance’ report from Cathy Stewart, a church consultant from Creedence and Co. The congregation had engaged Creedence to do a study on the way we as a congregation make decisions. It was a helpful report. Governance was defined as the means by which a congregation makes decisions that enable the congregation to fulfill its mission and ministry. The analogy used was the rudder on a sailboat (also referred to as a governor). The rudder is positioned in such a way to catch the wind, enabling the sailboat to move forward. The people with their hand on the rudder (or tiller connected to the rudder) take all kinds of things into consideration – the direction desired, the strength of the wind, the size of the waves, the size of the boat, the skill set of the sailors. Within the Presbyterian Church, it is the task of the session to keep their hand on the rudder in such a way that encourages and invites people into the ministry and mission of the church. Communication and engagement become crucial in this model, as well as effective collaboration and conflict management. After listening to the report for the 3rd time (first at the governance meeting, then at session, then at the congregational level) it all began to make sense and there were more than a few nods among those listening. We have lots of work to do, but we are already moving in the right direction. I feel very confident about that.
One final note – this year our Christmas Sunday morning CTV service airs at 10:00 am on CTV Kitchener. It will be taped on Sunday December 18 at 3 pm. This year we are encouraging everyone to come to that taping. In this service we will ask the question “Who is your favourite Christmas character?”. I invite you all to participate as you are able. And yes, in addition to the service being taped it will also be recorded for streaming purposes on Christmas morning as well
Please pray for all those preparing for worship during this season. Here is a full list of the services coming up
Advent 3 Sunday December 11 at 10 am
Advent 4 Sunday December 18 at 10 am (Family Christmas Pageant service entitled “Jingle Jam”) CTV2 London aired at 11:00 a.m.
Christmas Eve Saturday December 24 at 4 pm – Family Christmas Eve Service – An Impromptu Christmas Pageant
Christmas Eve Saturday December 24 at 8 pm – Candlelight Christmas Eve Service
Christmas Day Sunday December 25 at 10 am CTV service on CTV Kitchener
Christmas Day Sunday December 25 at 10 am – an in person short service of songs, stories and poems
Blue Christmas Wednesday December 28 at 7 pm – a service of healing that recognizes the emotional difficulties of Christmas
New Year’s Day Sunday January 1 at 10 am – CTV service celebrating the new year
Take good care everyone
P.S. if you were still interested in the Christmas songs riddles from a couple of weeks ago, here are the answers and a few more riddles as well 😊
The smog less witching hour has arrived. (It came upon a midnight clear)
Exuberation to this orb (Joy to the world)
288 Yuletide hours (The twelve days of Christmas)
Do you perceive the same longitudinal pressure which stimulates my auditory sense organs? (Do you hear what I hear?)
Far back in a hay bin – (Away in a manger)
Now try to guess the Christmas song from these clues:
Leave and do an elevated broadcast –
Frozen precipitation commence –
Assemble everyone who believes -
Oh, member of the round table with missing areas –
Obese personification fabricated of compressed mounds of minute crystals -