July 6, 2022

There are times that things happen so fast, it leaves your head spinning.  At least that’s my experience and I am quite sure I am not alone.  This week my head is spinning.  We have restoration work going on in the church to bring the building back to the way it was before the Emergency Warming Centre.  We are preparing for a service of commemoration and memorial this Sunday for all those who passed away during COVID.  The Christian Education committee is meeting tonight to decide on a focus and direction for the fall.  I am working on a series of podcasts that can be released over the next 4 weeks when I am away on holidays – they are a continuation of the series on Freeing Jesus.  We are following through on the decision of session to allow a Group of Five sponsorship group to be formed to bring Feridah’s son and family to Canada.  And on top of all of that, yesterday I had a meeting – an exciting meeting about a very significant opportunity to be involved in healing and reconciliation work right here in Kitchener -


You may remember that I participated in a ongoing project of ‘planting’ footsteps in orange paint along the path of Victoria Park.  This is a visionary project orchestrated by a local indigenous leader whose name is Sheena.  Sheena has been approached by the Orange Shirt Society and they will be coming to Kitchener on Friday, September 16 to help to unveil a crosswalk made up of 215 sets of orange footprints remembering the lives of the 215 children whose graves were recovered at the site of a residential school in Kamloops BC just over a year ago.  This unveiling is more than an ‘event’.  According to My-in-gen, a local elder this is a spiritual gathering of people; an incredible opportunity for people to understand the tragedy of residential schools.  It reaches into the conscience of anyone who lives in Canada.  It can lead to a better future for all of us.  It will voice both concerns, sorrow, but also happiness that comes from acts of reconciliation.  It carries with it the weight of a century and a half of tragedy.  It is a path for future generations who can walk together side by side.  There will be drumming and dancing and great opportunities for engagement, for talking to each other, for healing, for seeing each other as fellow human beings.


St. Andrew’s has been invited to be part of the organizing team and to help to make this vision a reality.  This is something that brings tears to my eyes.  This is phenomenal.  A great opportunity for St. Andrew’s to take a leadership role in the community and work towards reconciliation.


In addition, Phyliss Webstad whose original orange shirt inspired the creation of Orange Shirt Day is coming to Kitchener in late August to help the community prepare for the unveiling on September 16.  Again, we have been invited to help organize her visit.  (To read Phyliss’ story click here https://www.orangeshirtday.org/phyllis-story.html)  This will be the first time Phyliss will be in this area.  Hundreds and hundreds of people are expected to come out to see her.   Hundreds, perhaps thousands more will be present for the September 16 event.  And St. Andrew’s is invited to be part of it all.


While I am away, Andrew Hight will be in contact with the organizing committee.

There will be lots of volunteers needed for the event – indeed that is one of the ways we can be of support.  Use of our church for some of the activities may also be needed.  But right now we are encouraged to help to raise some funds that will make these events a possibility.  A full budget has not yet been worked out, but a ballpark budget of $15,000 has been proposed.  Can we do everything possible to help raise these funds.


I call on all of you to donate as you are able – apart from your regular donations to St. Andrew’s.  If you are able please make a donation and mark it the ‘orange footsteps’ project.  I will be asking other churches to help in this regard as well.


So yes, my head is spinning.  And when my head is spinning it is important for me to slow down.  And the best way I can slow down is in prayer


Please pray with me this prayer by Chris Polhill from England called ‘Prayer for Recharging the Mobile’


As I recharge my mobile battery

May God recharge my soul;

The current of God’s love

Flowing through me

Healing, restoring, renewing …


As the ions return to their source,

I to Jesus return,

Plug me into your kin-dom,

Your way of life –

Loving, forgiving, truthful


As I sit waiting by my mobile

Connect my life to you.

God’s Spirit in my thoughts.

Help me to listen

To your love, your prompting,

Deep within.





Dates to remember

July 9 at 10 am – clean up outside the church

July 10 at 10 am – special commemoration service for all those who died during COVID

Sunday September 11 – church picnic

Friday September 16 – orange footprints crosswalk unveiling

Rev. Marty Molengraaf (he, him)

Minister, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church


54 Queen St. N.

Kitchener, ON

N2H 2H2


Church 519 578-4430 x 221

Cell 226 752-7909





August 11, 2022


June 29, 2022