April 6, 2022

Two beautiful days in a row – I love the sunshine.  It just lifts our spirits and gives us hope.  I was out walking with Ziggy this morning and we saw almost as many robins as we did squirrels.  It seems the world is coming alive again and it feels good.  When we see the devastation in Ukraine we also have to make sure we see the joy of the earth all around – not only for our benefit but for the benefit of people experiencing untold suffering right now.  The human experience is full of pain and it is full of joy.  People going through pain need to know that pain is not everywhere.  They need hope as well.  And we pray that they may see signs of hope not only in springtime but in the solidarity of people around the world.  In the words of Pope Francis, this infantile war needs to stop.  As human beings we need to find creative ways of dealing with conflict and power imbalance.

This week in my world here at the church, the focus is on Holy Week services.  Holy Week is an opportunity for a deep spiritual journey as we walk with Jesus through the events of the last week in his life.  On Palm Sunday we will join with all of creation that groans whenever there is injustice – Jesus was told to tell the crowds to stop crying out as he rode into Jerusalem and he said, if they were silent, even the stone would shout out’.  On Maundy Thursday we will pause with Jesus in a Maundy Thursday supper focusing on the new commandment (mandatum) from Jesus to love one another as Jesus has loved us.  This simple meal explores the themes of standing in solidarity with each other, serving one another and leaning into the power of Jesus’ loving presence.  Good Friday we will hear a powerful cantata entitled ‘It is Finished’ by Mary MacDonald and offered by the St. Andrew’s choir.  And we will  ask the question, ‘Why do we call this Friday Good?’  ‘Why did Jesus die?’.  And then of course on Easter Sunday, we celebrate.  We celebrate that death is not the end.  We celebrate that there is nothing that can separate us from the love of God.  And maybe we will tell a joke or two – after all in the early church resurrection was considered the greatest and most powerful joke played on the powers of evil and suffering.  Just when they thought they had won, out of nowhere coming the surprising and delightful reality of resurrection.  It is enough to make one smile, indeed to laugh with reckless abandon

These are the things that occupy my mind and my effort in the days heading up to Holy Week’ and I invite you to participate in these services as much as you can.

Here is a litany that we will share on Good Friday for you to prepare yourself for the journey we embark upon.  It comes from Sanctified Art, the worship materials we have been sourcing:

Litany of Faith

We believe that the crucifixion shows us the worst in humanity

Violence inflicted on the innocent,

Shame poured out in excess

Mockery for the sake of mockery,

And abandonment of those we love.

 We believe that Jesus shows the best in humanity

grace where grace is undeserved,

humility in the face of power,

justice in the face of oppression,

love that overcomes.

 So today, as one voice, we choose

the latter

We choose 


We choose 


We choose 

one another.

We choose 

to remember 

Let to be so.


Take care everyone.  I hope you have a beautiful week.



April 13, 2022


March 30, 2022