March 3, 2022

On a clear beautiful day, it almost smells like spring. Not quite but almost.  The temperatures are warming up and if gives us hope that the grip of winter is loosening, and sunnier days are to follow. I read an article in the news last night that indicated that El Nina, the winds would be creating a reckless ride towards spring across Canada this year - two steps forward, the three back.  Fasten your seatbelts they seem to be saying, spring is not going to be a smooth transition this year.  But we know whatever the weather throws at us, spring will indeed come


That's how it feels for many of us in church right now. Pandemic restrictions are coming to an end, faster in some places than in others. It leaves us wondering if it is too soon,  or not soon enough. Some hope for a smooth transition back to 'normal' life.  Some fear we may still be in for a rough ride.  But we do know that whatever happens the love of God is here to stay.  Do we dare to lean into that same love when we think of the situation in Ukraine?  So much pain and suffering – where is God we might ask?  And the voice within may say, ‘There is God in the midst of the hurt and turmoil.  There is God in every act of kindness.  There is God is every person who wages peace.  There is God in every tear that flows, every drop of blood that falls’.  Even in war, God is present and God’s love is stronger that any act of hate or arrogance.  This is what we hold onto.  This is what we celebrate.  This is what gives us hope.


This past week has been one of celebration - indeed planning to celebrate and then celebrating. We have learned that it is important to take time to do so and that's what we did. Last Sunday's service was all about highlighting how God's love lifts us up, inspires us and calls us into acts of service as we strive to be an outpost in the kin-dom of God here in our community.  It was followed by the annual congregational meeting which also went well.  Great appreciation to all the leaders in the congregation for their hard and excellent work.  A special word of thanks to our Clerk of Session, Margie Warren for her beautiful attention to detail in the creation of the annual report and the PowerPoint slides that made it easy to follow what was happening.  Margie put hours and hours of work into all of that and it is deeply appreciated.  Thank you Margie!


We continued the theme of celebration on in our staff meeting yesterday talking about how we could support each other in the work we all do in the life of the church. It was a good meeting.


We now enter the season of Lent.  It is a time of self-examination, a time of being honest with ourselves and with God.  Today is Ash Wednesday, the day many Christians around the world put ashes on their forehead in the shape of a cross symbolizing both death and repentance.  We will be using materials created by “Sanctified Art” to help us mark Lent this year.  The theme is “Full to the Brim”.  For a taste of what it is, please see the recording for an Ash Wednesday service that will be streamed at 7 pm tonight.


Next week I will be taking a ‘reading week’ – just a break to get caught up in some of my reading.  We are not going anywhere, just spending some relaxing time, long walks and of course reading.  I have a few books I am anxious to get through.  I have already started Diana Butler Bass’ new book Freeing Jesus.  I am also reading ‘Everyday Ubuntu’ by Mungi Ngomane and I hope to finish Rob Bell’s ‘Everything is Spiritual’.  Then there is ‘Always a Guest’ by Barbara Brown Tayler just because I like her and finally a new book on justice called “the four pivots – reimagining justice, reimagining ourselves.


This coming Sunday is communion Sunday and the 1st Sunday in Lent.  As you are able and feel safe you are encouraged to come out to worship.  We will be putting away the ‘hallelujahs’ in a box for Lent, to reopen them again on Easter Sunday 😊


I hope all of you are well.  I pray that in the days and months ahead we will have greater opportunity to connect with each other as the strength of the pandemic wanes.  Social distancing and masking will be with us for quite a while yet, but hopefully we will be able to see each other in person


Take good care and God bless each of you




March 16, 2022


February 23, 2022