May 25, 2022
Dear Friends
Re-connecting, rebuilding, renewing – that’s the theme that staff has adopted as we head into the summer and into the fall. Due to COVID and possibly due to the length of the stay of our overnight guests here at St. Andrew’s, engagement in the life and work of the church is lower that we had hoped. People are tired. Its been a long haul. As staff, we don’t want to put yet more things are your calendars that you may be anxious about. But there is great joy in connecting with others, in seeing old friends, in participating in conversations and just in gathering together. So we hope you agree – its time to reconnect, to celebrate the goodness of God, the joy of being church and re-connect with each other.
Here are some ways we hope to do that
Staff have considered the possibility of holding the memorial service promised for those families who have lost a loved one over the course of the pandemic and who were not able to have a proper funeral. We have tentatively scheduled the memorial service on July 10 in place of our regularly scheduled morning service at 10 am. We talked about waiting until the fall, but no one knows what the case count in terms of COVID will be in the fall. So it makes sense to us to think about a service in the summer when case counts are far lower. By that time we will have the use of Iona Hall as well and we may be able to have a light reception afterwards. What do you think of this idea? Is it time to do this? Please let us know your thoughts.
Are people interested in a congregational picnic – perhaps at a local park? Perhaps some games for children? Let us know? Andrew and I are brainstorming about how to help the congregation re-connect in a meaningful way.
I would like to support the Ray of Hope in their annual golf tournament on Monday June 20 – If any of you are interested in joining me I would be delighted. Perhaps we can register a foursome or two or three😊. It would be a great way to connect. Please let me know.
A BBQ will be held on the final day our guests are with us – more details to follow but please keep June 22 open on your calendar. The Committee With No Name has come forward with an offer to organize the BBQ. This is greatly appreciated. We will be meeting tomorrow to work out details. It will involve some of the people at Knox Waterloo as well. They have been offering a weekly meal to our overnight guests from the beginning. This is an opportunity to say to the Working Centre and to our guests that even though we cannot continue to house them, we still are there to support them.
The missions team will be gathering shortly to talk about what it means to support those living in the rough after the Emergency Warming Shelter closes. Can we do a meal from time to time to give the staff at the Working Centre a break? Can we offer support in a tangible way to staff across the region who work with people living in the rough? Can we create opportunities for engagement that give at least some of the guests support they may be looking for? Can we organize to put pressure on all levels of government – federal, provincial, regional, municipal to continue and to heighten efforts to address this very complex issue? What are your thoughts? What do you think we could do?
The old and wonderful tradition is back. June 12 is ‘Going through the gates’ Sunday. Please come out to witness this historic event. The theme will be Ritual and Memory – how rituals like this can elicit beautiful memories that help us to see the goodness and grace of God. Staff is busy planning this service.
Staff is also working on increasing the quality of our online presence. Starting in the middle of May a second opportunity to hear the content of the worship services will be offered in a podcast format. This will be recorded on Wednesday mornings and similar in style to the welcome video that is now on the webpage. Music and prayers combined with a shortened sermon will make up the podcast. It is designed for those who may be interested in hearing music and a message but are not so interested in listening to the entire worship service.
These are just some ideas – you may have others. These are the things I am working on. Are there other things you think we could try to do? Take good care and may the blessings of God fall on you as brightly as the sun is shining today