October 19, 2022

Hello everyone:

 I know I am not alone when I say that some days it seems like a million and one things are racing around in my head and it is hard to focus on what to do next.  In times like these, I need to stop for a moment, to catch my breath, to literally try to slow my breathing and to focus.  Some weeks, the discipline of writing this weekly email helps me to do just that.  It points me in the direction of what is important, what needs to be communicated and what I need to focus on.

 We have a lot going on at St. Andrew’s:

  1. The session is considering the report about governance from Creedence and Company that I referred to last week. Please pray for the session as they have an initial meeting on Monday, October 24 to consider this report

  2. The congregation is meeting on October 30 after the worship service to consider what might be called a ‘legendary mission’ – an initiative that could define us for years to come. It is coming from the Roy Street Task Force and the vision is one of creating a ministry to adults with disabilities. In the words of Al Mills, Executive Director of KW Extend a Family “bringing program and housing together in one location is crucial.’ We have the opportunity to do just that if the congregation is willing. Again pray for the congregation as together we consider this possibility

  3. Staff are working hard to try to re-engage the congregation post COVID. Sometimes it seems like an uphill battle and at other times it is hugely rewarding. The latest Kids Club event last Friday night had over 70 participants and Andrew Hight was beaming!

  4. All those involved in our regular worship services are putting their hearts and souls into it all and the resulting music and prayers have been wonderful. Unfortunately, we were disappointed to learn that CTV has pre-empted the balance of our TV Sundays for November and December due to the world cup of soccer. In response, here is the latest update:

    1. Our service this Sunday, October 23 will be a CTV service.

    2. On November 6 we will have a joint worship service with St. Peter’s Lutheran Church on CTV. St. Andrew’s will be closed that day and all of us are encouraged to head over to St. Peter’s for worship at 10:00 am.

    3. On December 11, also a CTV service for St. Peter’s (they have had only one CTV service this fall so far) we may have another joint service, or I and others may join in the service at St. Peter’s so that we can continue to connect with our TV congregation

    4. On December 18 at 3:00 pm we will record the Christmas morning service for CTV. We invite everyone to come to that service to join with the choir in a service of song and celebration. Afterwards we will have a Christmas party down in Iona Hall.

  1. Confirmation class continues the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays each month at 11:30 am after worship. We are asking some of the Big Questions of Life – who are we?, who is God?, who is our neighbour? – as well as deeply spiritual questions – What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus?, how do we experience God. We engage in conversation as well as homework – yes homework; research on the next topic that informs our discussion. It would be wonderful to have more people involved. It is an opportunity to renew your faith, and to consider again the impact of the grace of God in all our lives. Please join us either in person on via Zoom.

  2. Our noon hour Douglas Haas Legacy Concerts are in full swing offering beautiful contemplative music and wonderful hospitality through the joint efforts of Ann-Marie MacDairmid and the Women’s Association. These are peaceful and nourishing events.

  3. The Thrift Shop is open again thanks to the efforts of the Women’s Association. This ministry provides the local community with low-cost clothing options.

  4. The Missions team is working hard connecting with various partners. We will be hosting the Executive Director of Canadian Foodgrains Bank here at St. Andrew’s for a conversation on November 19 at 2pm.

 I remain convinced that St. Andrew’s has an important role to play in this community as a downtown church.  With all the challenges the world is facing right now – increased polarization, wars and rumours of wars and what seems to be a decreased level of trust in each other and in society at large, the church is called upon to create community, to foster a sense of belonging and to proclaim the inclusive love of God for all people.  With our focus on ‘Encountering God in worship and Engaging Jesus in the community’ I believe we can do just that.

Take care and have a wonderful day



October 27, 2022


October 13, 2022