Thursday, January 12, 2023
Hello everyone
Barb and I had a wonderful week away, full of reading, relaxation and recreation. I deeply appreciate how much St. Andrew’s supports the need for me to get away to refresh from time to time. It has become a regular part of my routine, and I must say, an important part. Thank you for it.
The very simple act of kindness has crowded into my consciousness ever since Christmas. Not sure why. Maybe its because the news can be so depressing. Looking back over 2022 there seemed to be a breakdown of simple kindness. People around the world seem to be more polarized which leads to an inability to talk gently with each other, even to see each other as fellow human beings. It reminded me of the book by Brian McLaren ‘Everything Must Change’ written in 2007. He said what the world needs is IEK’s not IED’s - Incendiary Explosions of Kindness. I like that phrase. Incendiary Explosions of Kindness. Al Mills, Executive Director of KW Extend a Family is going to preach on Sunday. His sermon title is “Called To Kindness”. I have been asked to do a funeral for JoAnn Hall by her daughters Christine and Jana. They describe their mom first and foremost as a kind person.
Yes kindness continually comes to mind these days – and I wonder if it is helpful to think about the Christmas Season we just experienced as ‘kindness come down to live among us – kindness come down in human form’ to teach us about God and about what it truly means to be human. Don’t know about you but some of the most powerful human experiences I have ever had are moments of deep kindness, either offered to me or offered by me. Kindness binds us together spiritually. Kindness is an experience of God, an experience of the Incarnation. May you experience incendiary explosions of kindness in the weeks ahead.
It’s a busy week here at the church as programs start up again and as committees and teams prepare for the Annual Meeting at the end of February. Here are some of the things happening right now
Working with operational council and members of the finance committee reviewing last years financial statements and budgets for the year ahead
Working with staff to ensure confidence in moving forward
Brainstorming with several members of the governance team to consider how best to implement recommendations given by Creedence and Company with respect to governance
A beautiful meeting with a new young couple who just arrived in Kitchener from Brazil and are wanting to be involved at St. Andrew’s and make St. Andrew’s their home church
Conversations with colleagues in the presbytery about similar challenges they are facing in terms lower engagement within congregations due to COVID – these conversations are very helpful to put things in context
Conversations about an Agnes Stock Weekend here at St. Andrew’s at the end of April – a focus on grief, death and dying – it sounds morbid, but the speakers that we have lined up are excellent. We are working with Hospice Waterloo on this initiative. At this point the weekend will be called ‘’Dying to Know”. Keep your calendars open from Friday April 28 to Sunday April 30
And finally dreaming – visioning – wondering how to ensure all the people of St. Andrew’s understand the vision of the church worked out during COVID and approved by the session – a theme coming up may be ‘Catch the Wind’ – it is indicative of the Spirit working among us
I think that’s all for now. I look forward to Sunday
Take care and God bless