Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Good morning everyone

 Sometimes rainy days are best.  They give us a much needed reprieve from the sun and the humidity.  The rain feels good.  It literally clears the air – the rain cleanses the air we breathe making the air more refreshing and healthier as well.  Rain is part of the joyful experience of being human – part of beauty of the created world around.

 It was hot and humid at the pride parade in Toronto on Sunday.  Three of us from St. Andrew’s (Bruce Curry, Karen Curry and myself) walked in the parade together with another 52 Presbyterians under the banner ‘God’s love includes everyone’.  There were shouts of praise from the onlookers – cheers to encourage us on and broad smiles that met us consistently along the parade route.

 I walked along the edge right next to the crowd the whole way – always looking for eye contact, ready to give a ‘high five’, a handshake, a few words of encouragement, constantly repeating ‘Happy Pride’ and stopping when people wanted to a hug.  I was wearing my clergy collar (all clergy were asked to wear their collars so that we would be recognized as ministers within the Christian church).  I don’t wear my clergy collar in public very often anymore.  When I was first ordained 40 years ago, I wore it more often.  Back then people would acknowledge the collar with a nod, a smile.  Not so much anymore.  Except at the pride parade.  There the collar stands as a symbol of the inclusive love of God to a people so often maligned by both society and the church.

 I’m not sure I have the words to explain the experience.  All I know is that God was present a thousand times that day – every time my eyes locked with another human being, every time I shook someone’s hand or gave them a high five – every time someone asked for a hug and said the words “God’s love does include everyone” – every time those things happened it was like the heat and humidity disappeared and the air was fresh and clean – almost as if it had been scrubbed by a good rain - and when we breathed in it was joy bubbling inside.

 Such was my experience at the Pride Parade.  It was a beautiful afternoon spent with beautiful people.

 A couple of other things to note:

  1. The Roy Street Task Force requested of the session to hold a congregational meeting on Sunday October 1, 2023 to update the congregation on discussions to date.

  2. Gizaagi’in Healing is planning to have a basketball camp in Iona Hall during the summer together with the KW Titans.  This was an opportunity that presented itself at the last moment.  Several weeks ago the KW Titans approached Gizaagi’in to ask whether they wanted to work together on a basketball camp.  Gizaagi’in was very excited about the possibility.  They then approached us and I have to admit I was very excited about the possibility as well.  Gizaagi’in has a strong vision to work with the church towards healing and reconciliation and teaching our children about love, kindness, care and inclusion.  We are working hard to make this a reality.

 That’s all for now.  Take care and have a wonderful week



Tuesday, July 4, 2023


Tuesday, June 20, 2023