Tuesday, May 23, 2023
This week Barb and I are on a study break listening to speakers from a conference entitled ‘Hope for a Weary World’. It is evident that the church is going through a period of Reformation and has been for a number of years. Here are some of the themes of this Reformation:
From a focus on the great commission to a focus on the great commandment
From a focus of defining a Christian in terms of belief statements to a focus on what it is to be a Christian in the world
From an exclusive understanding of Christianity that says we are the only ones who understand God to an acknowledgment of the legitimacy of religions around the world - God by many other names is still God
From a primary focus on salvation as something that happens in the life to come to a recognition that salvation also occurs here and now in building of the kingdom of God on this earth
These shifts call on us as a church to practice radical inclusion, radical hospitality, and radical love. They call on the church to address issues of injustice and equality all in the name of Jesus. They invite us to see the face of Jesus in every person we meet - to embrace the love Jesus personified. It’s all about Love
This reformation recognizes that being a Christian is not easy. It also recognizes that being a Christian, inspired by the audacious love of God, and empowered by the Spirit brings hope to a weary world
I find these study weeks very helpful, indeed very necessary and I thank you for them
Take good care this week