Wednesday, February 28, 2024
Hello everyone,
As we continue in our Lenten journey we move from practice and purpose towards preciousness. During Lent, we take time to recognize how precious all of humanity is. We are all one body – God’s body. When we celebrate communion this coming Sunday, we will talk about the difference between transactional relationships that often characterize our daily lives and covenantal relationships that characterize the heart of God. We will explore some indigenous spiritualty from around the world including the concept of ‘ubuntu’ from South Africa. Arch Bishop Desmond Tutu was always fond of talking about ubuntu because for him it personified the messages of Jesus in terms of our understanding of the human family.
So in preparation for all of this and to continue to talk about what we all might give up during Lent, I offer the following suggestions:
Day 13 of Lent – Wednesday, February 28 – please give up the concept of radical individualism – it is a Western concept that has hurt us as a world wide community. We are far more than just ‘individuals’
Day 14 of Lent – Thursday, February 29 – please give up radical independence – the goal for us all is not independence because we need each other, the goal is interdependence
Day 15 of Lent – Friday, March 1 – please give up your pride – every accomplishment you have had involves others – you would not be who you are without the support of others
Day 16 of Lent – Saturday, March 2 – please give up ungratefulness – so often it is tied into our own ego and what we think we deserve – giving up ungratefulness is a necessary step towards a life of gratitude – there are times I have seen more gratitude in the life and witness of someone living on the street than anywhere else
Third Sunday of Lent - as stated above this will be an exploration of a movement from transactional relationships to covenantal relationships – seeing each other as God sees us all
Day 17 of Lent – Monday, March 4 – please give up envy because it is a hole we dig for ourselves that is hard to get out of – gratitude helps, seeing each other as God sees us all, helps
Day 18 of Lent – Tuesday, March 5 – please give up bitterness – the only person we hurt when we hold on to bitterness is ourselves. Bitterness can devour us and rob us of life. Life is too short to be lived in bitterness. There is so much good in the world if we open our eyes, unstop our ears and melt our hearts. Knowing you are deeply loved and accepted by God is a fundamental step in giving up bitterness
Day 19 of Lent – stay tuned 😊
Another mantra that may help – it is a short one shared with me by a young woman who was emotionally and psychologically abused by her father over many years. It was a poster with the picture of a small child, a small very poor child, dressed in rags and the caption read: ‘God made me and God don’t make junk’
Blessings on all of you this week
Take care,