Wednesday, October 2, 2024
As I have been reflecting over the last three years, I have received some correspondence from people within the congregation who have been doing the same thing. I received this note from Andrew Foster and have his permission to share it with you:
‘Perhaps I've been listening and reading more carefully than usual lately! After your recent sermons I remembered that I heard (not at St. Andrew's!) not long ago that the word 'sanctuary' is old fashioned and has lost its meaning. It seems to me that that one word describes so much of what St. A's is visibly achieving in (and beyond) its community: the overnight shelter, the plans for Roy Street, a home for homeless congregations, a place for children to grow, and a special place for people who need a worshipping and caring community to which they can contribute, even in the smallest of ways.’ – Andrew Foster
At the session meeting last week, we reflected about what the congregation and its leaders have been doing over the last 7 - 8 years. Leaders have worked hard beginning back in 2017 already to map out a vision for the future. Many voices have been heard and towards the end of 2024 significant progress has been made. We are a congregation with a strong DNA of reaching out into the community, creating deep connections, offering hospitality to many – all in a beautiful atmosphere of inclusion and welcome. You can feel it on a Sunday morning. The church is full again – not all Presbyterians, but full of God’s worshipping people, Lutherans and Presbyterians and non denominational people lovingly referred to as the Nexus congregation. Wandering through the halls of the church after a worship service you can sense the warmth and the excitement knowing that all the people gathered in different worship spaces are here to celebrate the love that is found in the mystery of God and to share that love in tangible acts of service and compassion in the community. These partnerships reflect the strength of the future of St. Andrew’s.
In the beautiful mystery that is God we strive to move forward – sometimes into the unknown. But when our guideposts along the way are things like love and compassion, tenderness and hospitality, we can be assured that we are following in the ways of the one we call Jesus.
Blessings on all of you this day,
Rev. Marty Molengraaf (he, him)
Minister, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church