Hello St. Andrew’s! We need your help and ask for your active participation to identify the core values of our church.

Core Values are traits or qualities that are not just worthwhile, they represent an organization's highest priorities, deeply held beliefs, and core, fundamental driving forces.

Since 2017 St. Andrew’s has been in the process of creating a vision statement and recognizing our core values as a congregation.  A vision statement emerged out of all of the work and was passed by the session of the church in November 2021.  An abridged version of that statement is attached for your reference

In addition, statements such as the following were recognized as reflecting the values of the congregation by the Governance Review Team set up when Rev. Herb Gale was the Interim Moderator:

“WE BELIEVE that we should follow the example of Jesus Christ in our relationship with our community while recognizing that God also works with other faith traditions as well as those with no faith tradition. Love and service are the basis of our biblical understanding. We strive to be a welcoming and inclusive congregation, a place where people are valued, where they feel safe and where they feel that they belong.

 OUR WORSHIP is traditional but less formal while encouraging participation from all age groups. We believe that worship should be both prayerful and inspiring. We recognize music as an integral part of worship.

 OUR MISSION is focused on identifying and meeting needs rather than converting. We try to connect with others in the community who share our values to promote positive change.”

As the Governance Review Team strives to complete its task we need the congregation’s help to identify the four or five core values that truly reflect who we are as a congregation.  The session cannot identify those core values themselves.  Neither can the Governance Review Team.  But you, the people of St. Andrew’s can.

Please fill out the attached worksheet asking you to identify core values by initially chose ten that you think reflect who we are as a church, then reducing the number to 10, then to 5 and finally to 3.  When you are finished please submit your final three core values in an email to Office.Coordinator@standrewskw.com

Your active participation in this exercise would be deeply appreciated and is very essential as we move forward as a congregation to be an outpost in the kin-dom of God here in Kitchener and beyond.  Copies of the worksheet will also be available on Sunday mornings.

 Please respond and may God bless you as you fulfil this responsibility.