September 14, 2022
Well, we knew it was coming and it is now here – the busy season that is – lots of things happening lots of opportunities for engagement. September is an exciting month in the life of churches and particularly in the life of St. Andrew’s this year as we try our best to shake off the shackles of COVID and try to find a new normal - a new rhythm of church life.
We began this past Sunday with a wonderful celebration of the Story of Love in the Bible and the blessing of children and their backpacks as we sent them off to school. We had fun as a congregation at the church picnic listening the sounds of children laughing and playing and we realized again how powerful children are to the life work mission and ministry of the congregation. It was a great day
Here are some other things that are happening
This Friday September 16 at noon at Victoria Park at the corner of Jubilee and Water Street join us for the unveiling of the Every Child Matters Honorary Crosswalk. This powerful act of reconciliation and developing of relationships between settlers and First Peoples is a great opportunity to show that the church cares, that the love of the Creator is real, inclusive, and transformational. Volunteers are needed to help distribute water to the 500 children from two elementary schools who will be present. Come as well to experience indigenous dancing, drumming, singing and celebrating. Volunteers are encouraged to meet at the church at 11:00 a.m. and we will walk over to Victoria Park together.
A Confirmation Class begins after the service on October 2. We will be Asking Big Questions – and these questions will help us to explore our faith journey. This Confirmation Class is open not only to the students in grade 6 – 8 but also to anyone else in the congregation looking to explore the impact of faith in their lives. The overall theme will be 'why church?’ Why get involved in church? Why choose a life of faith? The following questions will help us in this regard:
How do we connect
Who is in your community
Who is in your family
When do you take a stand
How do we disagree
Where do you feel at home
What does it mean to experience God
What do we assume
What helps us
For whom are we responsible
So, if you like asking Big Questions, please join us. The Confirmation Class will be a combination of in person and online learning including weekly podcasts to listen to, readings, reflections, and suggested activities. The more the merrier.
3. We will be offering at least two evening services this fall. Evening services have a different flavour – they are designed to help us let go, to rest, to wind down, to turn things over to God. There is a healing aspect in evening worship that is different than morning worship. Evening worship is quieter, more peaceful. It encourages us to empty ourselves of our hurts and pains, frustrations and difficulties. Please stay tuned for the dates of the services. We hope that we might be able to use the Covenant Chapel. Renovations to the chapel begin today.
4. Anniversary Sunday will be October 30, pending session approval. On that day as well, the session is being asked to hold a congregational meeting for the purposes of hearing the report from the Governance Task Force and the consulting firm that was engaged by the church to look at governance. What is governance – it is the ‘art of getting things done in such a way that the congregation is faithful to its calling and vision. Governance flows from vision; appropriate governance takes whatever form that allows visions to be realized.’ In the past the congregation and session have relied heavily on a system of governance that involves a whole host of committees. Although certain standing committees will always be necessary – e.g. Property, Finance, Human Resources, the governance task force is looking at other options for getting things done that involve teams and not committees.
5. At the congregational meeting there will also be a report to the congregation outlining a vision with respect to the mission and ministry of the congregation as it relates to our church property. The Roy Street Task Force will be making a preliminary report to the session on Monday September 19, and if that goes well, they will be asking the session to share the report with the congregation for consultation and discussion. This task force has been working for the last couple of years and is excited about the possibilities for the future.
6. And finally, a new welcome desk will be placed outside the sanctuary to greet new people and to help people to get engaged in the life of the church. New welcome / connect postcards will be available as well as a take home card with a QR code. The QR code will also be placed on the back of pews for easy connection to our church web page.
So, lots happening – lots of ways to engage as we strive to build an outpost of the kin-dom of God here at St. Andrew’s. We encounter God in worship, we engage Jesus in the community and in the streets and we strive to share the incredible love of God with all whom we meet
Take care and God bless