September 8, 2022

Hello everyone


Maybe you are like me and you have seen little yellow dandelions poking their heads through the ground yet again.  I remember the hours I spent in the spring trying to dig out each and everyone of them from both the front and back lawn.  But I know they are still there and at this time of the year they remind me of their incredible resilience.


Did you know that the dandelion is the only plant / weed to bloom on all seven continents in our world?  It is very hard to get rid of – and it often spreads by children (puff, puff) blowing in the wind.


I think its time to adopt the dandelion as a symbol of grit and resilience here at St. Andrew’s.


Maybe you are like me and you look around in the world and you wonder what is happening?  From the ravages of drug fuelled stabbing attacks on innocent people to the increasing polarization of political ideology where friends and neighbours are seen in a different light because we can’t believe the things they are saying, to the increased concerns about geopolitical movements including nationalism that threaten peace around the world – all these things make us shake our heads and wonder what the future may hold.  What can we do, is a question we hear over and over again.  What can we do?


It is time for grit and resilience – time to hold fast to who we are as a church and what we are trying to do.  I am reading an article that quotes Leslie Newbiggin, a British theologian, who writes that the church is called to live out Jesus’ life, his works, his actions, his sacraments, his love.  “As the Father has sent me, so I send you”.  Praise, gratitude, celebrating the truth of God’s love for the world, living for our neighbour, service towards each other, mutual responsibility and hope – these are the things that Newbiggin says reflect a life in Christ – these are the things that as a church we are called to live out.


Barb and I were listening to Kate Robertson who addressed young people around the world at the One Young World conference this past week.  She asked the question, ‘What if the best world is still ahead of us?  That’s the question we need to be asking with a sense of God’s great hope as our constant companion.


This fall we embark upon a journey in worship about building the kin-dom of God by looking at the parables of Jesus.  We begin this Sunday by recognizing the great love story that holds us fast – the love story of God for the people of God as told in the pages of the Bible.  This incredible love story is the foundation of our hope and of our grit and resilience.


Join us this Sunday either in person or online ( ) to begin the journey.  And start thinking about dandelions – because they may just be the gift that we need at this time.


Take care and God bless




September 14, 2022


September 1, 2022