November 17, 2022

Hello everyone

 Sometimes church is crazy – crazy busy that is.  Right now all around me is a flurry of activity, people talking plans being made for two different upcoming funerals, a special event on Saturday, a wedding on Saturday, and of course, our regular Sunday morning service.  I have been part of four separate committee meetings already this week and tomorrow the worship team is gathering to plan for Advent, Christmas and Epiphany services.  On top of that staff is involved in restoration work from the fire that happened a few weeks ago and continual frustration with things like door locks keeps everyone hopping.  Yes, sometimes church is crazy.

 But in the midst of it all, I feel a calm, a deep calm – and out of that calm is brewing some excitement for the future here at St. Andrew’s.  I remember putting my daughter Krista to bed when she was just a child.  I asked her how her day was and how she was feeling.  She said, Daddy, it feels like I have a little bubble inside of me.  I was a little surprised.  Tell me about the bubble, I said.  Well, she said, its like a bubble of happiness that’s inside and it feels good.

 Today I feel a bubble of happiness and it feels good. God is good.


 Because I have witnessed people working through things – great conversations at committee levels, team levels and just in small groups.  It feels to me that as church we are about to break out of our confines and do something special – maybe its just crazy talk.  But if it is, it is the right kind of crazy.  Let me give you some examples:

 The Roy Street Task force met yesterday with the warm glow of the decision by the congregation to explore a legendary mission with adults with special needs here at St. Andrew’s.  For a moment we could see it – the vision that is – the church creating a centre of support, care, love and belonging for adults with special needs.  A one stop shop so to speak when adults and their families could come for support, programming, counselling, networking, social and life skills training, advocacy and hopefully housing.  It’s a crazy vision!  And it may be possible.  It warms my soul deep within.

 Another example – last night Human Resources met with a proposal about a Coordinator of Engagement and Communication.  It was a great proposal responding to the continued calls for more effective communication voiced by session and congregation over the last 4 years.  It offered a way forward to maximize engagement both in person and on line as we strive to be a church relevant to today’s society.  The proposal was met with excitement and enthusiasm and the desire to find a way to make it possible.  It was crazy.  I went away from the meeting with a deep warm feeling inside.

 Yes sometimes the church is crazy – and needs crazy people – people crazy enough to vision and to believe we can indeed make a difference in our world.

 How crazy is that?


 P.S. for those of you who like the riddles about Christmas songs, here are a few more (just so you get the hang of it I will give you the answer for the first one again):

 The smog less witching hour has arrived.  (It came upon a midnight clear)

Exuberation to this orb - ?

288 Yuletide hours - ?

Do you perceive the same longitudinal pressure which stimulates my auditory sense organs? - ?

Far back in a hay bin - ?


November 25, 2022


November 9, 2022