November 25, 2022

Hello everyone – my note to you is a couple of days overdue this week.  We are in the midst of 4 funerals here at St. Andrew’s so it has been hectic.  Funerals are hard, especially when the person who has died, dies unexpectedly.  Funerals are also powerful opportunities to surround a family with loving compassion so that they experience both a sense of belonging and feel that God has not forgotten about them.

I would like to take a few moments to celebrate the people of this church – so many people who take up the ministry of care and hospitality to serve the needs of a grieving family.  All the way from the church staff

    • Mel who coordinates much of the detail and ensures a funeral bulletin has been prepared

    • Ann-Marie who is always there to offer guidance and support in terms of music for the funeral and who makes sure she can be present when needed

    • Wendy who works with families counseling and supporting them so they feel as though they belong – that they are not forgotten

    • The office volunteers who support in any way they can making sure the families needs are met and supporting both Mel and I in our work

    • The women of the WA who offer such beautiful hospitality sometimes at a moment’s notice – the ministry of food and other refreshments is something that a family deeply appreciates. When we suffer and people gather, food is something that ties us all together and breaks down barriers so people can cry and laugh and simply be there for each other

    • The custodial staff that works hard to make sure that tables and chairs and other church furniture is located where it needs to – this hard physical work is part of the ministry of hospitality

    • And the larger congregation who come to offer support for a family by walking with them in their grief, by offering a hug or a handshake, a smile or a word of support, or who simply remember the family in prayer

 All of this together is church being church!  I hear again and again how deeply it is appreciated by the families of those who have lost loved ones.

During this week, please pray with me for all those within the congregation and beyond who have lost loved ones.  Grief is not easy.  But it is something we all share.  Grief it is said, is the cost of love.  Whoever has loved has experienced grief.  In this season in which we prepare ourselves for the coming of the Christ child born among us again, let us share in our grief together.

Here is a poem/prayer called ‘Yesterday’s Pain’ from Ann Weems in her book ‘Kneeling in Bethlehem’.  I offer it to you on behalf of all those deeply grieving today

Some of us walk into Advent tethered to our unresolved yesterdays

The pain still stabbing

The hurt still throbbing.

It’s not that we don’t know better;

It’s just that we can’t stand up anymore by ourselves.

On the way to Bethlehem,

Will you give us a hand?

 Take care all of you and may God’s peace fall upon you



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