September 29, 2022

Hello everyone


Crazy busy day today but one of the highlights was the noon hour concert and the lunch provided by the WA.  Great food and great music – a wonderful time to spend part of the noon hour – warm appreciation for Ann-Marie for her hard work in organizing the concerts and to the WA for the delicious lunch!


Clarification – the congregation is called to meet on Sunday, October 30 after the worship service for a meeting to talk about the report from the Roy Street Task Force.  The topic will be following through with what could be a powerful ministry for St. Andrew’s – working with and providing support to adults with disabilities.  This would involve developing strong partnerships with organizations like KW Extend a Family and Elmira Community Living.  Providing space in the near future for programming as well as looking at the potential of a building project that might meet the needs of people who can live on their own with some built in support.  You are encouraged to attend the meeting in person or on line


Orange Shirt Day is this Friday, September 30.  Please see the invitation from Anishnabeg Outreach to join them on Friday morning at their reconciliation garden in Breslau to help gather the harvest that will then be distributed to people in need through their spirit bundle program.  More information is on the attachment.


The Mission Team had a wonderful meeting Tuesday night.  Did you know we have partnerships with eight different community groups?  They are:

  • The House of Friendship

  • Ray of Hope

  • The Working Centre

  • Anishnabeg Outreach

  • Food 4 Kids

  • Faith Climate Justice

  • Canadian Food Grains Bank

  • And potentially Reception House.

This is in addition to the deep connection we have with the Presbyterian Sharing and PWS+D.  There is a champion for each of these organizations.  The mission team tries to listen to the needs expressed and pass them on to you.  The team is building materials to put on the webpage to keep you updated.  They will also be preparing materials that can be distributed at the Welcome Desk that will be operational at the back of the church shortly. 


Confirmation Class begins after church on October 2 – we don’t know whether to really call this confirmation class or not.  It is and it isn’t.  Certainly those looking to confirm their faith are welcome to attend, but so are others of all ages.  In a world where more and more people struggle with church and religion because of all the horrible things that happen within churches and within religions we have to ask the question, “Why choose to be involved in a church?”  Why choose to live a life of faith?”  It would be wonderful to have people attend who have been part of the church their whole lives as well as people who are considering confirming their faith in God through Christ.  This has the possibility to be a transformation experience for people.  I hope you come.  We will start with lunch after church in the Elizabeth Room.


Please see this message from Terri Whiffin about the Journey for Hope PWS+D Food Security Initiative:


Journey for Hope supporting PWS&D Food Security Initiatives


For three years, St. Andrew’s team members have laced up their shoes to get moving and support the work of PWS&D through the Ride for Refuge. Because of some changes to the Ride for Refuge initiative, PWS&D invites the Presbyterian teams across Canada to join them for their first annual Journey for Hope! So far 11 congregations have joined the initiative, and have raised $12,000 to date! 


We encourage you to join or support the St. Andrew’s team to walk, run, ride or do another activity to raise money for the vital work PWS&D does around the world. We are organizing a team bike ride on the afternoon of Sunday, October 16. We’re planning to meet at Knox Waterloo, and use bike paths to ride over to Laurel Creek Conservation Area and back.   It looks like it's about 15 km, with a "bailout" option half-way.


Currently, the world is experiencing a food crisis triggered by climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic and conflicts such as the one in Ukraine—and it’s only getting worse. This year, funds raised will support PWS&D food security projects around the world.


To join the team, call or email Terri Whiffin at 519-998-9392 or  For more information, you can go to our team page at Support Team St. Andrew's Kitchener - Presbyterian World Service & Development.   If you would like to support the team with a donation, you can do that online or through the church office. Make sure you reference “Journey for Hope” when doing so!


Looking forward to hearing from you!  

Terri, Paul Spencer and Mary Corry



I think that’s enough for now.  Here is a prayer I found meaningful this week in a world that seems mad at times:


“Lord you commanded us to love your neighbours.

Have mercy on us for it is not easy.


Your neighbours in Nazareth tried to lynch you,

So you know our problem.


We remember before you:

Good neighbours and bad neighbours,

Those we know and those we do not know,

Those who have problems and those who seem trouble free,

The children growing up in our midst,

Older people and their needs,

Our councillors and community leaders,

The whole pattern of neighbourhood life.


Lord Jesus, you said that we are the light of the world.

So inspire us by your love

That we may do such lovely things

That our neighbours may glorify the Creator of all.


In Jesus name



October 5, 2022


September 22, 2022