Thursday, March 30, 2023


Behind the scenes – it is such an interesting statement or concept.  Behind the scenes can mean something secretive – not for public knowledge.  It can mean something nefarious as in – behind the scenes the old boys club was working to ensure things went a certain way.  But behind the scenes can also mean something incredibly positive.  Behind the scenes everyday people who never step into the limelight, work hard to make sure an organization works effectively.

It is this last meaning of behind the scenes I want to explore today.  Last night, behind the scenes, the session of St. Andrew’s made some beautiful decisions. I believe they will have a huge positive impact on the mission and ministry of our church.  A bit of background may be helpful.  Session meets 8 or 9 times a year in what could be called a business meeting.  There is a formal agenda.  Committees of the session report and make recommendations and the session decides.  Much of the time of these session meetings is spent on things like finance, and building, and trust funds – all things that keep the institution alive and well.  And these things are important.  The institution that is St. Andrew’s needs to thrive in order for the mission and ministry to be accomplished.  But because of the nature of the meetings, by the time we get around to talking about the mission and ministry of the church, there is little time left.  So the conversations about sharing of the love of God, serving each other and the community around in the spirit of Christ – those important conversations rarely are given the time they need.

But last night, working behind the scenes, the session changed all of that.  Committee reports for Finance, Property, Human Resources, Trustees and Operational / Governance Council will still be heard at 4 of the 8 session meetings to ensure the institution remains vital, alive and responsive to the needs of the community.  The other 4 meetings will not be business meetings.  Instead, they will be conversations around mission and ministry.  We will listen and respond to the various leaders, both paid and volunteer, who head up specific ministry team initiatives.  Twice a year the session will sit to talk at length about family ministry and all it entails.  Twice a year, the session will sit and talk about communication and engagement in the life of the church.   At least once a year, the session will sit and talk about pastoral care, about our mission partners here in the community and around the world, about worship and music and its importance in terms of the inclusive gospel of Jesus the Christ.  Once a year, the session will have meaningful conversations with those involved in refugee work, the WA, those initiating a new ministry called Partners in Belonging and other such initiatives.  These conversations will allow the session to explore in much greater depth, the issues that confront church and society today.

This may seem a small thing to you.  It is not.  It is huge and I am thrilled to be part of the leadership of a church moving in this direction.  It will give us greater focus.  It will ensure all session members and people within the congregation know what’s happening.  It will help us to truly identify who we are as a church, where we are going and ensure we all know the page we are on.

Today I give thanks to God for the session of this church, for their work behind the scenes, and for the courage to have these effective conversations moving forward.



Monday, April 17, 2023


Thursday, March 23, 2023