Tuesday, September 6, 2023

Hello everyone

I hope this first week in September finds all of you well.  It feels like the summer is fast disappearing – Labour Day Weekend has come and gone and the fall season is only a few weeks away.  We look forward to the beautiful autumn colours in the leaves of the trees that will grace the countryside very shortly.

I look forward to the fall for other reasons as well.  We are developing some wonderful relationships with community partners to reach out and embrace people within the neighbourhood with care and compassion.

Over the next few weeks I will tell you about these relationships, starting today with those who offered the basketball camp here at St. Andrew’s over the summer.  Sheena Merling, a local indigenous woman is known to some in the congregation.  We got to know her last summer through her vision for the Every Child Matters Crosswalk in Victoria Park.  Since then she expanded her vision of healing and reconciliation by establishing an organization called Gizaagi’in Healing and offered a basketball camp throughout July and August here in Iona Hall.  Approximately 20 children were involved each week including some of the people who are part of the St. Andrew’s congregation.  My two grandchildren attended one week as well.

Here is an excerpt from a letter sent to me by James Sprung about Gizaagi’in just a couple weeks ago:

“I just wanted to say what a pleasure it has been to have Gizaagi’in here . A lot of promises were made to the church , and I can say they have been very respectful of the building .

The staff has conducted themselves well with a structured program , combining both discipline , learning , and fun .  I think for me though , the best part has been to have so many children in the building . The sounds of kids playing , learning , and doing so many positive things . This world has so many bad temptations , this program helps keep these kids away from this , and that is something definitely needed more in this world .

I have to think that Jesus smiles when he watches these kids”.

Partnerships with community organizations like this are essential to the life and wellbeing of our church, our mission and our ministry.  There are growing pains associated with developing partnerships, but St. Andrew’s can and will be and example to the rest of the Presbyterian Church in Canada in this kind of ministry.  Partnerships like these are a sign of a vibrant and strong congregation

Take good care



Tuesday, September 12, 2023


Tuesday,July 11,2023