Tuesday, September 12, 2023

I just want to take a few moments to celebrate this past weekend with you and then to talk about another potential partner here at St Andrew’s.

Sunday was a beautiful day – the sanctuary choir was back in full force and they sounded beautiful as they sang the anthem ‘Sing a Round of Praise’.  Ann-Marie MacDairmid and Dave Mitchell also provided beautiful and entertaining music in the prelude, postlude and during the time of offering.  St. Andrew’s does indeed have an excellent musical program and we and the hundreds of people who watch the services online all deeply appreciate it.  It was a great beginning to the fall season.

In addition church school began on Sunday with 17 children in attendance.  It is was wonderful to see and hear the sights and sounds of children in our sanctuary once again.  Following the service was a full blown carnival with candy floss and a dunk tank, a variety of games and a bouncy castle together with a potluck meal.  We were joined by people from the community as well, making it just a grand day.  Deep appreciation to Andrew Hight for organizing this and for all the helpers from the CE team and beyond.

So, lots to celebrate.  And lots to look forward to.

Last week I talked about the budding relationship we have with Sheena Merling and the work she is doing in our community bringing both youth and children, indigenous and non-indigenous together to create relationships of healing and reconciliation marked by love, care and compassion.

This week I want to say a few words about Early On.  Early On is a program offered through the local YMCA but funded and orchestrated by the Ministry of Education provincially.  The local chapter of Early On is very excited about the work Sheena Merling is doing and it delighted and impressed that Sheena is in relationship with us here at St. Andrew’s.  They have indicated an interest in providing an Early On program here at St. Andrew’s working alongside the programs Sheena is offering.   Early On works with young children and their parents, providing support in parenting skills and mentoring those skills in activities with the children of those same parents.  It is an effective program, well tested, and well run.  They would make an excellent partner for us here at St. Andrew’s as we strive to listen to the needs of the immediate community and respond to those needs with inclusion, love, care and compassion.  Having Early On here would make St. Andrew’s a focal point for families facing difficult challenges.

I am very excited about this possibility.  A meeting between the church, Early On and Sheena is scheduled for Thursday September 21.  I ask for your prayers and for your support in this exciting endeavour.  At this point it is only a possibility.  Please pray that we can find a way forward to turn this possibility into a reality

Take good care everyone



Tuesday, September 19, 2023


Tuesday, September 6, 2023