Sticky Messes and the Virtue of Hope

Where is hope when something that was once so strong now seems to have weakened so drastically?  Where is God?  A brief look at the history of St. Andrew’s over the last 70 years.  A deep affirmation that God is still at work.

Quotes from the book:

  • ‘Emotional ease and openness of heart reflect an underlying virtue of hope that characterizes this community of faith’ p. 27

  • ‘There is a critical nexus where three things meet: the church, the world and God’s mission’ p. 31

  • ‘The challenge is seeing God at work in the world around us instead of trying to make the world look more like us.’ P. 30

Buy the Book for Yourself

Turning Ourselves Inside Out emerges from the Thriving Christian Communities Project started by the authors in 2015, as well as from a Facebook conversation where someone asked, "We always hear about the problems in our churches. When are we going to talk about the good news stories?" This got the authors thinking: How do we learn about what is exciting and what the Holy Spirit is doing? How do we broaden the conversation beyond how sad, afraid, and grumpy we often are as church people?

Buy it here


God as an Active Agent in the World