Courage and The Audacity of Hope
To step out in faith, taking risks and being part of God’s mission in the world as the church is re-invented takes courage. We will look at Paul’s teachings with respect to Abraham and remember Jesus words that we are to always be alert to what God is doing in the world. This sermon will hopefully help us to prepare for the new future God has in store for us as we travel through Advent, Christmas and beyond. St. Andrew’s is poised and ready.

Integrity Holds It All Together
If any statement is true, it's this one: If you don't do what you say you're going to do, everything falls apart. The challenge with Integrity is always to follow through, even when it's hard or we don't feel like it. In this episode, Rev. Marty and Mike discuss how if Hope, Humility and Love are the foundations to build your faith and a church, Integrity holds it all together. We hope this episode inspires you to jump into what St. Andrew's has next with both feet and helps us be a church that practices what it preaches.

Integrity Holds It All Together
If any statement is true, it's this one: If you don't do what you say you're going to do, everything falls apart. The challenge with Integrity is always to follow through, even when it's hard or we don't feel like it. In this episode, Rev. Marty and Mike discuss how if Hope, Humility and Love are the foundations to build your faith and a church, Integrity holds it all together. We hope this episode inspires you to jump into what St. Andrew's has next with both feet and helps us be a church that practices what it preaches.

The Virtue of Integrity
Integrity for our purposes is defined as knowing who we are and being who we are. Who are we at St. Andrew’s. What are we up to? What is God doing in our midst? Do we all know the direction we are heading? We talk about ‘Encountering God in worship, Engaging Jesus in the Streets – Building an Outpost in the Kindom of God. It comes out of the study done by the congregation over the last 5 – 6 years. But does anyone really know what that means? How do we communicate it more effectively? What is a tagline and how might we use one here at St. Andrew’s.

Intentional and Sacrificial Love - Virtue of Love
A hard look at love. Love is not just emotions. It is hard decisions we make. It is how we look at ourselves and how we look at others. It is deciding what to love and who to love. What do we love about St. Andrew’s? Who do we love in the community? Are there things we need to let go of in order to truly love?

The Virtue of Love
A hard look at love. Love is not just emotions. It is hard decisions we make. It is how we look at ourselves and how we look at others. It is deciding what to love and who to love. What do we love about St. Andrew’s? Who do we love in the community? Are there things we need to let go of in order to truly love?

A Guilt-Ridden Denial About Our Role In Colonization
Residential schools were designed to make children ashamed of who they were in terms of their culture, spirituality and identity. There is no denying this. Christians at the time were convinced that they knew better, that they needed to ‘bring God’ to the ‘savages’. It was a dark time in the history of Canada. The effects of residential schools and colonization are still felt today. Healing and reconciliation in part is understanding that First Peoples here on Turtle Island can teach us about God. Traditional spiritual practices that so many are trying to reclaim can teach us a Christians what it means to truly be a spiritual person in terms of our connection to the created world and to each other. As Christians we don’t have all the answers. God was here long before the settlers arrived.

The Virtue of Humility
When we think there is nothing left to learn, that we have heard it all before, our hearts are closed and we no longer are able to see what God is doing in the world. Opening our hearts enables us to discover the joy of seeing God at work today.

God as an Active Agent in the World
This podcast will be a brief history beginning in the Dark Ages to the Enlightenment, to Modernity and then Post Modernity – all from the perspective of the question ‘Where is God and what is God doing?’ We will end with the strong affirmation of the belief that God is an active agent in the world today. We expect to be surprised each day by what God is up to.

Sticky Messes and the Virtue of Hope
Where is hope when something that was once so strong now seems to have weakened so drastically? Where is God? A brief look at the history of St. Andrew’s over the last 70 years. A deep affirmation that God is still at work.